Monday, December 17, 2007

Uncle Joe's gifts

Margy was saying that the worst gift she ever got was a jar of tartar sauce from Uncle Joe. She said one year, all the girls got one, and another time, the boys got tubes of tooth paste. He always celebrated the holidays with Cecelia and her family, and always brought his gifts in a pillow case. Apparently, no one looked forward to them.

I remember when we were little, Uncle Joe used to eat at Hardee's a lot, and he would collect all the toys that came with the meals, and give them to us. It was a treat for us, because we were never allowed to get those meals (let alone the toys). Once we got a bunch of stuffed dalmation puppies from 101 Dalmations, once a bunch of Pound Puppies, and once Gremlins records (the story had been serialized into book and record set, and I think we got the whole series, with a number of duplicates - I can't remember because Mom wouldn't let us listen to them anyway - too scary).


Kathleen said...

I can remember, and I think it must be because of a movie we have, that one year (the year Dan and Susan got married??), all the uncles got seed corn hats except for Uncle Dan. He got work gloves. And did he also give out things like pens from banks?

Sarah said...

I remember getting a Pound Purry from Hardees one year. I was young enough that I thought it was really cool, because I loved the Pound Puppies and Pound Purries.

Morgan said...

I remember FONDLY the Uncle Joe gifts... Apparently they got worse as the family grew... He gave me a silver dollar the year I was born. I also got a beautiful pink puppy (OK, I was 3, maybe it wasn't pretty to anyone but me...) that I LOVED! She had long fur and a comb so I could brush her hair... He also gave me my stuffed turtle, Myrtle... She was huge (a foot in diameter?) He also gave me an address book when I was just at the age where I was starting to write letters so I thiught it was the COOLEST to have my own address book! I didn't think anything was weird about the State Bank logo on the front...